Posted on by in Burning Flame.

A pre-holiday post to inform you about some news regarding our products and services.

In september we will inaugurate our new service of iPhone and iPad applications development. We’ll soon publish a descriptive page about this new service that will add to web design, marketing and graphic design.


The second news is about Adminio, our content management system. Version 2.0 is now ready, featuring a new design, inspired by the flat design. The layout automatically adapts to the size of the monitor and now includes an advanced text editor, so you can change the text of a website as in any other writing software.


With the introduction of apps development we have decided to abandon Mobe, the creation of mobile web app. Mobe is now replaced by sites built with responsive layout that adapts contents to the viewing environment on computer display, tablets and smartphones.

The homepage has been updated to reflect changes, take a look 😉

Posted on by in Burning Flame.

The last word of Words is online! It ends our project, started in March, by which we tried to explain in a simple way the 8 major web services that are used every day by millions of people. You can find the complete project on

What is Words?

Words is a technology diffusion project, promoted by Burning Flame, which has the aim to provide a comprehensive overview on the web and on the services related to it.
