ITACA – Italian network for hereditary and acquired angioedema – is an association whose purpose is the promotion of medical-scientific research and the progression of knowledge in the field of hereditary and acquired angioedema. Hereditary angioedema is a rare hereditary disease characterized by the appearance of swelling of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs.
Burning Flame has been involved in the development of the web registry dedicated to the collection of data from Italian patients suffering from angioedema. The platform allows specialist centers located throughout Italy to access to the data of the patients and to manage them.
The doctors, through their personal credentials, have the possibility to manage the patients within their competence, entering their personal data, data relating to the diagnosis of angioedema, any other pathologies, the medicines used for the treatment of the disease, episodes of disease onset and monitoring information entered during follow ups and checkups. The platform also allows patients themselves to access their profile and enter the requested information via email notifications independently.
The project is based on BIF (Business Innovation Framework), Burning Flame’s proprietary framework created using PHP, Laravel and Javascript technologies and designed to guarantee high performance and safety standards, particularly necessary in the case of applications dedicated to the healthcare sector, and is hosted on cloud servers managed and monitored by Burning Flame.